Principal Investigator
Chuan-Hsiang Bear Huang, M.D., Ph.D.

Bear received an M.D. from National Taiwan University followed by two years of residency in internal medicine before arriving at Johns Hopkins University, where he obtained a Ph.D. in Immunology/Biophysics. In his thesis work, Bear determined the crystal structure of PI3Kα, one of the most frequently mutated proteins in human cancers. He went on to study the mechanism of cell migration as a Damon Runyon Fellow in the lab of Peter Devreotes. In 2016 Bear started his own lab in the Department of Pathology at Johns Hopkins where his team investigates signaling networks in tumorigenesis and how to target them for cancer treatment. In his free time Bear enjoys playing the piano, fishkeeping, and astrophotography.
Research Associate
Jr-Ming Yang, Ph.D.

Ming received a B.S. in Computer Science and Information Engineering as well as an M.S. in Biochemical Sciences, both from National Taiwan University. She carried out her Ph.D. work on exosome biogenesis followed by a postdoctoral fellowship studying the function of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN at Johns Hopkins University. Ming is currently a research associate in the Department of Pathology. In her spare time, Ming enjoys gardening and taking care of her pet cat Wookie.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Jhen-Wei Wu, Ph.D.
B.S. Bioagricultural Science, National Chiayi University , Chiayi City, Taiwan
M.S. Biotechnology, National Cheng Kung University , Tainan, Taiwan
Ph.D. Biotechnology and Bioindustry Sciences, National Cheng Kung University , Tainan, Taiwan
Huiwang (David) Zhan, Ph.D.

B.S. Xiamen University
Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
Pre-doctoral Students
Gabriel Au

Gabe is an undergraduate double majoring in biophysics and cellular/molecular biology. His research interests include synthetic biology, protein engineering, and biological modeling. In the lab, he is currently working on adapting deep learning models for organoid barcoding and creating models for describing signaling pathway behavior. Outside of classes and lab, Gabe enjoys breakdancing, video games, and anime.
Owen Xu
B.S. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Currently a master’s student in Biotechnology at Johns Hopkins University.
Qiaowen Chen
Currently an undergraduate student majoring in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Applied Mathematics & Statistics at Johns Hopkins University.
Suyang Wang
Current position: graduate student at UCSF
Chao-Cheng Chen, Ph.D.
Current position: postdoctoral fellow at BC Cancer Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cheng-Fan (Bryan) Lee, Ph.D.
Current position: Assistant Professor at Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Charis Chiu
Current position: undergraduate student at University of California, Los Angeles
Evan Li
Current position: undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins University
Wei-Yu (Jackie) Chi, M.D.
Current position: graduate student at Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Jessica Liang
Current position: medical student at University of California, San Francisco
Budri Abubaker-Sharif
B.S. Johns Hopkins University