
The Wong Laboratory is in the Division of Neuropathology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The overarching themes focus on the biology and pathobiology of an RNA splicing factor termed TDP-43 (TAR DNA/RNA binding protein 43kDa) that regulates the inclusion of cryptic exons. The loss of TDP-43 underlies the pathogenic mechanism of several human age-related degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease Related Dementia (ADRD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), as well as Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM).

Current Projects Include:
Biology of TDP-43 and its Pathophysiology

Current projects include the development of in vitro and in vivo models of TDP-43 loss-of-function in the nervous system and skeletal muscle to reveal its biology in a cell- or organ-specific manner.

Recent Related work(s):

Baghel, M.S., Burns, G.B. et al. bioRxiv (2024). DOI: 10.1101/2024.06.26.600814.

TDP-43 cryptic exon-encoded peptides as functional biomarkers

Current work involves the development of prognostic fluid biomarkers for these human diseases using in-frame cryptic exons.

Recent Related work(s):

Irwin, K.E. et al. Nature Med 30, 382-393 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-023-02788-5.

AAV9 gene therapeutic approach
Current work includes testing of AAV9-based strategy to complement the loss of TDP-43 splicing repression as a potential novel therapy for TDP-43 LOF diseases.

Recent Related work(s):

Donde, A. et al. Acta Neuropathol 138, 813-26 (2019). DOI: 10.1007/s00401-019-02042-8.

Selected Discoveries From Our Lab:

TDP-43 repression of nonconserved cryptic exons is compromised in ALS-FTD

“In sporadic ALS (~97% of all cases) and sporadic FTD (~45% of all cases), TDP-43 clears from the nucleus and forms ubiquitinated, cytoplasmic inclusions, termed TDP-43 proteinopathy […] We have found that TDP-43 functions as a splicing repressor of nonconserved cryptic exons (fig. S8). A defect in this regulatory mechanism could be linked to TDP-43 proteinopathy in ALS-FTD.”

Identification of TDP-43 associated cryptic exons in Homo sapiens.
(A) TDP-43 protein levels are greatly reduced when HeLa cells are treated with TDP-43 siRNA (*, nonspecific band). (B) Visualization of the cryptic exon located in EPB41L4A. Zoom in of gene annotation demonstrates that the cryptic exon (green arrow) resides in a non-conserved region. Strand specific analysis also verifies the incorporation of cryptic exons on the transcribing strand (fig. S12). (CF) IRF9 contains a transcriptional start site (C), KRT7 an exon extension (D), GPSM2 a standard cryptic exon (E), and INSR a polyadenylation site (F).

Depletion of TDP-43 decreases fibril and plaque β-amyloid and exacerbates neurodegeneration in an AD mouse model.

“Here, we show […] TDP-43 depletion in forebrain neurons of an AD mouse model exacerbates neurodegeneration, and correlates with increased prefibrillar oligomeric Aβ and decreased Aβ plaque burden. These findings support a role for nuclear depletion of TDP-43 in the pathogenesis of AD and provide strong rationale for developing novel therapeutics to alleviate the depletion of TDP-43 and functional antemortem biomarkers associated with its nuclear loss.”

Forebrain depletion of TDP-43 increases relative levels of prefibril Aβ oligomers, while reducing Aβ plaques and fibril oligomers. Representative images of 4G8 stained plaques in AD amyloidosis model (AP) and AP mice lacking TDP-43 in forebrain neurons (cTAP)

Cryptic exon incorporation occurs in AD brain lacking TDP-43 inclusion but exhibiting nuclear clearance of TDP-43

We found that cryptic exon incorporation occurred in all AD cases exhibiting TDP-43 pathology. […] Importantly, cryptic exon incorporation could be detected in AD brains lacking TDP-43 inclusion but exhibiting nuclear clearance of TDP-43.”

Dentate gyrus region stained with TDP-43 phosphorylation-independent antibody. Arrows indicate neurons with nuclear clearance of TDP-43.
Detection of cryptic exon incorporation in AD brain tissue. DNA fragments were detected from hippocampal region at 199 base pairs (bp) (GPSM2) and at 215 bp (ATG4B) for all cases (a, b subjects with high level AD pathologic change, case #1–3, #8, and #9–11)

Splicing repression is a major function of TDP-43 in motor neurons

“AAV9-mediated delivery of [a] chimeric rescue repressor to mice lacking TDP-43 in motor neurons delayed the onset, slowed the progression of motor symptoms, and markedly extended their lifespan. In treated mice lacking TDP-43 in motor neurons, aberrant splicing was significantly decreased and accompanied by amelioration of axon degeneration and motor neuron loss. This AAV9 strategy allowed long-term expression of the chimeric repressor without any adverse effects.”

Diagram of CTR chimeric construct
Immunostaining of p30 ChAT (red) and CTR (recognized by human-specific N-terminal TDP-43 antibody, green) in representative lumbar ventral horn sections of ChAT-IRES-Cre;TardbpF/+ and ChAT-IRES-Cre;TardbpF/F mice.

Loss of TDP-43 function and rimmed vacuoles persist after T cell depletion in a xenograft model of sporadic inclusion body myositis

Cryptic Exon detection is a sensitive and specific assay for TDP-43 pathology in IBM biopsies. (A) Levels of TDP-43 are substantially reduced in myoblasts treated with TDP-43 siRNA (KD) compared to control siRNA (C). (B) Visualization of cryptic exons (green arrow) in myoblast cells with TDP-43 knockdown (MyoKD) compared to control (MyoC): ACOT11, SLC39AB, PFKP, and RHEBL1. (C) Immunohistochemical TDP-43 staining of muscle sections: control showing nuclear TDP-43 and IBM showing accumulation of TDP-43 in the cytoplasm (#) or nuclear clearing (arrows).

Cryptic HDGFL2 as a fluid biomarker reveals loss of TDP-43 splicing repression in pre-symptomatic ALS

TC1HDG antibody detects cryptic HDGFL2 in neurons of the ALS–FTD brain. Cryptic HDGFL2 was detected by our TC1HDG cryptic antibody (first row, yellow) specifically in neurons (arrowheads) of the motor cortex (first column) or hippocampus (third column) that are depleted of nuclear TDP-43 (second row, green) and contain phosphorylated TDP-43 (pTDP-43) cytoplasmic aggregates (third row, red). Note that cryptic HDGFL2 immunoreactivity is largely restricted to the nuclear compartments. Neurons with intact nuclear TDP-43 did not show cryptic HDGFL2 immunoreactivity. Scale bars, 20 µm.
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