Congratulations to Sfanos lab Undergraduate student Yossef Baidi for his recent graduation with a B.S. in Chemistry from Johns Hopkins University! Yossef will move on to become a post-baccalaureate Research Associate in the Neal lab within the Cancer Program at the Broad Institute. We look forward to great things to come Yossef!
Category Archives: News
Congratulations to Dr. Corey Porter!
Dr. Corey Porter, a 2018 Ph.D. graduate of the Sfanos lab, recently attended the commencement ceremony for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to receive her diploma and to be hooded. Dr. Porter is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Matthias Truttmann at the University of Michigan. We are so proud of you Corey!
New from Sfanos Lab: The Microbiome and Genitourinary Cancer: A Collaborative Review
Read our most recent review article in European Urology covering the role of the microbiome in genitourinary cancer.
New from Sfanos Lab: A role for paracrine interleukin‐6 signaling in the tumor microenvironment in prostate tumor growth

Shu-Han Yu, Ph.D.
Dr. Shu-Han Yu was so productive during her time with us as a Ph.D. student that she still continues to publish! See her latest work examining dependence of tumor cell growth on IL-6 signaling in the prostate tumor microenvironment. Dr. Yu is currently an Assistant Professor at the National Defense Medical Center, Graduate Institute of Life Science, in Taiwan. Congratulations Shu-Han!
Meet Carli Jones, Pathobiology graduate student

Carli Jones
We are very excited to welcome Carli Jones to the lab. Carli is a graduate student in the Pathobiology program at Johns Hopkins who will be conducting her thesis work in the lab. She recently participated in a series of short films highlighting students in the program. Watch Carli talk about Pathobiology and her research interests here:
P.S. She also passed her oral entrance exam this week, congratulations and great work Carli!!
Borna Kassiri presents at South Central Section of the AUA Meeting

JHU medical student Borna Kassiri
Johns Hopkins medical student Borna Kassiri recently presented his Department of Urology Persky fellowship and Sfanos lab summer project at the South Central Section of the AUA meeting in Nashville, TN! Borna’s presentation titled “Profiling the Urinary and Gastrointestinal Microbiota in Healthy Children and Children with Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Urogenital Malformations” was chosen for a moderated poster presentation. Congratulations Borna!!
Congratulations to Dr. Corey Porter!
Pathobiology graduate student Corey Porter gave her thesis presentation yesterday: “The Induction and Silencing of Lactoferrin, a Putative Prostate Cancer Tumor Suppressor Gene, in the Early Stages of Prostate Neoplasia and Progression”. Corey will be moving on to a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan. Congratulations Corey!!
Lauren Peiffer Awarded Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program Early Investigator Research Award
Congratulations to Dr. Lauren Peiffer for her recently awarded DoD PCRP Early Investigator Research Award “The Gastrointestinal Microbiota and Immunotherapy in Advanced Prostate Cancer”!! Lauren continues to impress as she also just recently passed her veterinary boards and is now a Board Certified Anatomic Veterinary Pathologist!! We’re so proud of you!!
New from Sfanos Lab: Compositional differences in gastrointestinal microbiota in prostate cancer patients treated with androgen axis-targeted therapies
We recently published our first study that examines differences in the gastrointestinal (gut) flora that are possibly induced by prostate cancer treatment with androgen receptor-axis targeted therapies including enzalutamide and abiraterone acetate. Key findings include the observation of significant compositional differences in the gut microbiota of men taking oral formulations of medications that target the androgen receptor axis including a greater abundance of species previously linked to response to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy such as Akkermansia muciniphila and Ruminococcaceae spp. In functional analyses, we found an enriched representation of bacterial gene pathways involved in steroid biosynthesis and steroid hormone biosynthesis in the fecal microbiota of men taking oral androgen axis targeting drugs. This study was funded by the Prostate Cancer Foundation as part of a 2016 Challenge Award.
The study can be found here:
A commentary on our article published in Nature Reviews Urology can also be found here:
A write up of our article and the topic by the Prostate Cancer Foundation can also be found here:
2018 Johns Hopkins CARES Summer Symposium
Sfanos lab summer interns Ayanna Carter and Ryan Kempski recently participated in the Johns Hopkins Career, Academic, and Research Experiences for Students (CARES) Summer Symposium as part of the MERIT Health Leadership Academy and the Basic Science Institute – Summer Internship Program, respectively. Ayanna presented her project “P2X4 Receptors and Nucleotide Treatment Effects in Prostate Cancer” and Ryan presented his project “P2X4 Purinergic Receptor Expression in Prostate Cancer”. Both students conducted their summer research under the mentorship of Sfanos lab postdoctoral fellow Janielle Maynard, Ph.D. Fantastic work Ayanna, Ryan, and Janielle!

Ayanna Carter and Dr. Janielle Maynard

Ryan Kempski and Dr. Janielle Maynard