Dr. Eric Raabe, a fellow in our laboratory, is having his head shaved to raise money for St. Baldrick’s, a foundation dedicated to funding research into cures for childhood cancer. They sponsoring events in which volunteers collect donations from friends, family and colleagues and have their heads shaved in solidarity with children undergoing chemotherapy. Our local event will be held on March 6, 2011 at Martin’s East, starting at 1 pm. Eric is trying to raise $2,000, and the link to the website where you can pledge to support him is:
He will also be the keynote speaker, and will be in the first group or two to get shaved around 2 pm. It is a carnival-like atmosphere, with lots of kids, games, and food. Last year, they raised $80,000, and this year they are shooting for $100,000. Please support Eric and pediatric cancer research. (Update on March 7, 2011: The event is now finished, and raised more than $90,000 for childrens cancer research. Thanks to all who contributed. Before and after pictures of Eric are below). Dr. Raabe is a St. Baldrick’s Fellow. http://www.stbaldricks.org/
Go Eric
– Charles
Wow..! This is awesome.