
Representative Recent Publications

  1. Ryu J, Horkayne I, Plenticova O, Xu, L, Eberhart CG, Troncoso JC and Koliatsos VE: The problem of axonal injury in the brains of veterans with histories of blast exposure. Acta Neuropathol. Commun. 2, 153, 2014. PMCID: PMC4260204, DOI: 10.1186/s40478-014-0153-3
  2. Xu L, Nguyen J, Lehar M, Menon A, Rha E, Arena J, Ryu J, Marmarou C, Marsh-Armstrong N and Koliatsos VE: Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury with impact acceleration in the mouse: Multifocal axonopathy, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration in the visual system. Exp. Neurol. 275:436-9, 2016. PMID: 25450468, DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2014.11.004
  3. Xu L, Ryu J, Nguyen J, Arena J, Rha E, Vranis P, Hitt D, Marmarou C, Marsh-Armstrong N and Koliatsos VE: Evidence for accelerated tauopathy in the retina of transgenic P301S tau mice exposed to repetitive mild traumatic brain injury. Exp. Neurol. 273:168-176, 2015. PMID: 26311071, DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2015.08.014
  4. Rodriguez O, Schaefer M, Wester B, Leeb Y-C, Boggs N, Conner H, Frick S, Cernak I, Merkle A, Albanese C and Koliatsos VE: Manganese -Enhanced MRI as a diagnostic and dispositional tool after mild-moderate blast TBI. J. Neurotrauma 33(7):662-71, 2016. PMCID: PMC4827293, DOI: 1089/neu.2015.4002
  5. Xu L, Schaefer ML, Linville RM, Aggarwal A, Mbuguiro W, Wester BA and Koliatsos VE: Neuroinflammation in primary blast neurotrauma: time course and prevention by torso shielding. Exp. Neurol. 277:268-74, 2016. PMID: 26784004, DOI: 1016/j.expneurol.2016.01.010
  6. McCutcheon ST, Han D, Troncoso J, Koliatsos VE, Albert M, Lyketsos C, Leoutsakos JM: Clinicopathological correlates of depression in early Alzheimer’s disease in the NACC. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 31(12):1301-1311. 2016. PMCID: PMC4983531, DOI: 1002/gps.4435
  7. Ziogas NK and Koliatsos VE: Primary traumatic axonopathy in mice subjected to impact acceleration: a reappraisal of pathology and mechanisms with high-resolution anatomical methods. J Neurosci. 18;38(16):4031-4047. 2018. PMCID: PMC6705930, DOI: 1523/JNEUROSCI.2343-17.2018
  8. Ryu J, Vincent PFY, Ziogas NK, Xu L, Sadeghpour S, Curtin J, Stewart N, Sima R, duLac S, Glowatzki E, Koliatsos VE: Optogenetically transduced human ES cell-derived neural progenitors and their neuronal progenies: phenotypic characterization and responses to optical stimulation. PLoS One. 14(11):e0224846. 2019. PMCID: PMC6844486, DOI: 1371/journal.pone.0224846
  9. Welsbie DS, Ziogas NK, Xu L, Kim B-J, Ge Y, Patel AK, Ryu J, Lehar M, Gonzalez S, Zack DJ, Koliatsos VE: Targeted disruption of dual leucine zipper kinase and leucine zipper kinase protects CNS neurons in diffuse traumatic brain injury. Mol Neurodegener. 14(1):44. 2019. PMCID: PMC6882250, DOI: 1186/s13024-019-0345-1
  10. Olsen A, Babikian T, Bigler E, Caeyenberghs K, Conde V, Dams-O’Connor K, Dobryakova E, Genova H, Grafman J, Håberg AK, Heggland I, Hellstrøm T, Hodges CB, Irimia A, Jha RM, Johnson PK, Koliatsos VE, Levin H, Li LM, Lindsey HM, Livny A, Løvstad M, Medaglia J, Menon D, Mondello S, Monti MM, Newcombe VFJ, Petroni A, Ponsford J, Sharp D, Spitz G, Westlye LT, Thompson PM, Dennis EL, Tate DF, Wilde EA, Hillary FG: Toward a Global and Reproducible Science for Brain Imaging in Neurotrauma: The ENIGMA Adult Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Working Group. Brain Imaging Behav. Aug 2020. PMID: 32797398, DOI: 1007/s11682-020-00313-7
  11. Koliatsos VE, Rao V: The behavioral neuroscience of traumatic brain injury. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 43(2):305-330. 2020. PMID: 32439024, DOI: 1016/j.psc.2020.02.009
  12. Koliatsos VE, Rao V and Alexandris A: Traumatic brain injury and dementia: from neural mechanisms to psychiatry. Adv Psychiatry, in press 2021.