Techniques Employed in the Lab
- Experimental animal models
- models of diffuse TBI and blast TBI
- models of degenerative tauopathy, genetic and induced
- Optimization of histology for molecular or anatomical studies
- Neuronal tract tracing and lineage tracing, injection of gene-editing vectors
- Immunocytochemistry/immunohistochemistry
- In situ hybridization
- High-resolution fluorescence microscopy (stat-of-the art confocal, two-photon microscopy) for qualitative and quantitative studies of axons
- CLARITY and other clearing methods for high-resolution structural work on axons
- Electron microscopy
- Stereology
- Proteomics
- Real-time PCR
- Human embryonic stem cell and induced pluripotent stem cell manipulation and differentiation for humanized models of disease
- Primary neuronal cultures and genetic manipulations
- Neuropathology of the human brain