Protocol Operations Core – Publications


  • Kim S, Martin MA, Galiwango RM, Laeyendecker O, Quinn TC, Kigozi G, Ssekubugu R, Bonsall D, Reynolds SJ, Foley B, Abeler-Dorner L, Fraser C, Ratmann O, Kagaayi J, and Grabowski K. Increasing intra- and inter-subtype HIV diversity despite rapidly declining HIV incidence in Uganda. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. March 3-6, 2024, Denver CO. Abstract #1068.
  • Landovitz RJ, Voldal E, Hanscom B, Eshleman SH, Piwowar-Manning E, Sullivan P, McCauley M, Soto-Torres L, Rooney JF, Rinehart AR, Cohen MS, Hosseinipour M, Delany-Moretlwe S, and Grinsztejn B. Site-based HIV testing assay performance for cabotegravir and TDF-FTC PrEP failure in HPTN 083. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. March 3-6, 2024, Denver CO. Abstract #128
  • Moser A, Hill T, Ahmed S, Cummings V, Wang Z, McCauley M, Grinsztejn B, Landovitz RJ, Fogel M, Eshleman SH, and Piwowar-Manning E. Comparison of assays for detection of HIV infection in persons using long-acting cabotegravir PrEP. Clinical Virology Symposium. 9/2023. West Palm Beach, FL. Abstract 27.
  • Clement ME, Wang Z, Fitchtenbaum CJ, Thomas S, Bazan JA, Richardson P, Spinelli MA, Hanscom B, Rinehart AR, Rooney JF, Adeyeye A, McCauley M, Jennings A, Gomez K, Cohen M, Grinsztejn B, and Landovitz RJ. Pre-Exposure prophylaxis product choice of participants in HPTN 083. IAS 2024. 7/2024. Munich, Germany.
  • Landovitz RJ, Gao F, Fogel JM, Hanscom B, Clement M, Ha VT, Guar A, Fitchtenbaum C, Piwowar-Manning E, Moser A, Marzinke M, Mellors JM, Halvas EK, McCauley M, Gomez-Feliciano K, Jennings A, Soto-Torres L, Zwerski S, Rooney JF, Rinehart AR, Cohen MS, Grinsztejn B, and Eshleman SH. Performance characteristics of HIV RNA screening with long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in HPTN 083. IAS 2024, 7/2024. Munich, Germany.